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Do You Have What it Takes to Get the Job?

By Nancy Ripton

Published March 28, 2017 • 1 Min Read

“Getting a job today is about how many and’s you have on your resume,” says Alan Kearns, Toronto-based career coach and founder of CareerJoy. In addition to your education and job experience, it helps to show other experiences like volunteer work, travel, and that can hold your own on a soccer field. If this all sounds overwhelming, take a deep breath. Filling your roster with qualifications employers seek out may be easier than you think. You just have to know how to package yourself. Take this employability quiz to find out what it takes to attract the right employer.

You scored out of

You’re on your way to catching a company’s attention, but could use one or two more “and’s” on your resume. Look at where you fall short and spend some time developing yourself as a brand. Make sure your social media is clean and that it represents your career persona.

You scored out of

While you may have made the grade on your report card, your interpersonal and problem-solving skills need some work if you want to land a job in today’s competitive market. Try taking a communications course, join a team sport

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Career Planning & Development