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Holiday Shopping on A Budget – Keeping It Under $60

By Helen Reaume

Published November 25, 2020 • 3 Min Read

This holiday season might look a little bit different than past ones, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have a lovely holiday. After all, the main point of the season is to spread joy and delight with your family and friends. The good news is that often the most thoughtful and memorable gifts don’t have to be expensive. You’ve got this.With a little ingenuity, some creativity, and maybe even a glue stick, you can give thoughtful gifts to the ones you love and not have to blame 2020 for making you feel like a Scrooge. Here are some ways to cross everyone off your holiday gift list with just $60 — or less!

Get Crafty

DIY some gifts this year! You can make a card, some art, or jewelry or even browse the internet for some more ideas. A unique DIY ornament, a homemade fruit jam, or handcrafted candles or soap are items that you can make and customize for your family and friends with supplies from the grocery store or dollar store. People will be touched you put in the time and effort to make something specifically for them.

Go Halfsies On a Gift

Are some of the items on your sibling or friend’s list a little bit more expensive than expected? Don’t stress – here’s a way you can get them what they want and stay within your budget. Team up with other friends or family members to chip in on a collective gift together. That way, you can get someone the perfect gift and stay within your $60 budget.

Donate to Charity

Consider making a donation to a charity or foundation instead of buying a physical gift item this year. You can donate to a cause or value your family or friend is passionate about – you can either make the donation in their name or just let them know you’ve made a donation with them in-mind. Any donation amount is a good amount – making this gift idea a budget-friendly one that also delivers a little bit of good!

Be Honest

You’re a student. Your friends and family will understand that expensive gifts are not within your budget this holiday. The focus of gift giving is to delight your friends and family. You can do that without spending a lot of money — or any money at all. Buy them a funny gift. Print out a photo you love of the two of you together and frame it. Gift them something small but write them a heartfelt card. If you don’t have anything to spend — write them a heartfelt letter or offer to help them out with a task. The holiday season isn’t about who can buy the fanciest and most expensive gifts, it’s about showing your love and spreading joy to your family and friends. You can keep your holiday shopping budget to under $60 and still spread joy. And you may even feel more joy because you won’t be worried you spent too much!

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