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Three Ways to Protect Your Business from Cyberfraud: Podcast


Published March 27, 2019 • 28 Min Read

Small business security used to be a strong lock on the door, a guard, and a few security cameras. These days it’s often lines of code that stand between thieves and your money. One out of five Canadian businesses experienced a cybersecurity incident in 2017, according to Statistics Canada. The total costs of prevention, detection and recovery from incidents in 2017 totaled $14 billion. RBC Chief Information Security Officer Adam Evans says small- and medium-sized businesses need to assume that they will be the target of cyber thieves. “It’s not about if; it’s going to be a when scenario,” he says in the “How to Protect Your Business from Cyberfraud” podcast.   Listen to this podcast for more details on what you need to know about cyber crime and how it can affect your business. [embed-video src=”″]