Despite great strides towards equality, many women still face unique challenges regarding their finances. Effective money management is the first step in making more confident & informed decisions about careers, personal lives and the future.
Getting professional help is about peace of mind and family harmony. That's the part that's way too frequently forgotten or underestimated.
They are a tool—a quite flexible tool—that can help you to help the people you love.
The Wealthy Barber with Bryan and Sarah Baeumler discuss surprising estate laws in Canada
Executor services protect you from liability and ease the burden on your family.
More From Women and Money Management
Being an executor is always a huge responsibility. Here's the Wealthy Barber on the benefits of turning to the professionals.
The Wealthy Barber with Bryan and Sarah Baeumler discuss surprising estate laws in Canada
Planning will help give you and your parents peace of mind knowing there are documents in place to ensure their wishes are met.